- 新標準生活與社會-中文版(已獲審批)
- 新標準生活與社會-英文版(已獲審批)
This series of New Standard Life and Society follows the Life and Society Curriculum Guide (Secondary 1-3) provided by the Curriculum Development Council in 2010. The content covers three strands: Personal and Social Development, Resources and Economic Activities, Social System and Citizenship.
- 適合年級:Secondary 1-3
- 全套:13本書
- 每本書:包含2至3個單元
- 語言:分中文版、英文版
- Comments
• Meeting the aims and objectives of the curriculum guide
• Content self-contained and effective in meeting the curriculum requirements
• Generally relevant and accurate use of information and data
• Concepts generally clear, accurate and logically developed on the whole
• Generally appropriate learning activities facilitating achievement of the learning targets on the whole
• Accurate use of language
- Pluralistlc and Harmonious Society
- 1. Sexual Atitudes and Teenage Pregnancy
- 2. Adversities and Juvenile Delinquency
- 3. One World One Family
- 4. Enhancing Humanistic Qualities*
- 新焦點通識教育
《新焦點通識教育》依據香港課程發展議會與香港考試及評核局所編訂的《通識教育科課程及評估指引(中四至中六)》, 並根據教育局和考評局2013年6月編訂的《通識教育科課程與評估資源套一釐清課程 、評估有方》作出增訂。題目設定則
- 適合年級:中四至中六
- 全套:6本書,6個單元
- 每本書:200-300頁
- 中文版:共 4 個版本
- 英文版:1 個版本